
Showing posts with the label Health

Rest is also essential for health

Why is sleep important ? Reasons for getting a good nights rest Disorders are a major cause of kidney disease, some say. Some people may not realize that the body needs rest after physical, physical and mental work. Sir James Paget, a renowned specialist He wrote: " Many people died during this period from the fatigue that causes stress ." Stress and exhaustion are physical as well as mental. The body is a machine and, like other machines, it is affected if it is not rested. The physical activity of most busy people is affected by lack of time for rest and exhaustion. Lack of physical restraint and feeling of fatigue are indicative of neurological weakness. Many people will hear the phrase "I am tired of being tired". Several hours are left. In the same way, some people are outraged at the slightest bit. Even some officers, who leave a normal worker in an organization, do not like to talk to anyone when they return home in the evening. Businessmen play in the money...
