Hi everybody, I am Dr. Ahmet Ergin founder of Sugarmds we will discuss hypoglycemia symptoms what is hypoglycemia it is low glucose it's the clinical definition for low glucose so how would you feel when you have low blood sugar a parcel of individuals don't have a clue how would they truly feel so some of the time you may feel a dizzy and crabby and you may not know why you feel that way you may think that your character is changing however it could be your low glucose so let's review the manifestations of hyperglycemia which is low glucose right now and in the following article we will discuss how to treat this.

Alright so it is partitioned into two number one is adrenergic indications so for what reason do we call this adrenergic symptoms because it originates from your adrenal organ it is adrenaline instigated so when you have low glucose your body gives a frenzy response and it releases adrenaline reaction. 

So it's a similar response when you see a lion in the middle of a backwoods what do you have an inclination that your heart race your heart is gonna race you're going to begin shaking. 

You're going to begin perspiring unless you're a legend or some sort right so in case you're similar to eye to eye with a line you're screeching a lot of Under land and afterward before you know it you hit to run right so you have to get siphoned up for the energy to run now your body does not separate between this dread reaction or hypoglycemia reaction it is a alarm reaction so when your blood sugars are going low your adrenaline goes up and that gives you exorbitant sweating you may feel hot you may feel unstable your heart may race and all these symptoms are we call them are conventional side effects so it might be inconspicuous too if your blood sugars are not down to 30 yet suppose you are down to 70 you may really feel like goodness I can't feel hot hello do you feel hot do you feel higher yet no I'm fine at that point it's better for you your glucose's privilege and afterward unexpectedly you may feel like you know what's going on I'm Chris sticky. 

I'm sweat-soaked you know sort of touchy you know you might need to check your glucose around then so don't hold up don't think twice check your glucose in the event that you question about it now the second symptom second some portion of indications could be could be neurological so in some cases neurological indications are unobtrusive and it could be simply wooziness it can be fractiousness as we examined it tends to be only a smidgen of a confusion or a foggy brain then you realize that these side effects are considered neurological symptoms and you might need to check your blood sugars on the off chance that it is truly serious and if your glucose drops extremely low abruptly then you may really feel like that you will most likely be unable to do anything so now and again individuals will have:

for example complete inability so you might have the option to see yet you may not be capable to hear or you might have the option to hear yet you will most likely be unable to talk these are disabling side effects once in a while you realize that you have a low glucose and you need to fix it right you might need to get something sweet yet your body may not permit you to do that so you might be poor generally incapacitated in the most exceedingly terrible case scenario you may absolutely drop and that is called serious hypoglycemia so these are the serious neurological indications some of the time you realize. 

You may have seen this in your family members too they will zoom out they may not be able to react to you and on the off chance that they are feeling bizarre acting abnormal you better check their glucose so on the grounds that by then in case you're the patient you're not going to have the option to support yourself so additionally teach others of what a hypoglycemia is and how it seems like so they know so this happened actually my mother has diabetes and one time she had a low glucose and she was trying to tell my dad yet she couldn't so I truly scorn hypoglycemia in light of the fact that I know how it feels I hear constantly from individuals. 

How it feels so you need to emit perceive the indications of hyper glycemiain request to treat and receive in return now in the following video we are going to talk about how to treat hyperglycemia there are a ton of misguided judgments and mistakes people do constantly for treating hyperglycemia so offer a go-ahead to this video and we'll find in the following one have an extraordinary day.

Credit to SugarMD

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