Weight loss: why and when to worry

Quickly Burn your Fat but be careful about this 

Many people tend to get rid of extra pounds, and even more of them would like to lose weight without training and diets. However, if you suddenly discover that your favorite jeans have begun to fall off you, and on the scales an indicator that you could only dream about, think about it. There are many reasons for sudden weight loss, but it is worth remembering that not all of them are scary - only in some cases, strong weight loss can indicate serious health problems.

large waist pent with small fat girl

First of all, we will determine what exactly is considered sharp weight loss. If you have lost about 5% of your weight in six months without resorting to diets or training, then you should consult a doctor at least for advice. If you initially have a small weight, then the loss of fewer kilograms may be a cause for concern.
doctor with a wooden board and writing prescription for patient on white paper

The specialist will ask you some questions about your health and lifestyle. For example:
Have you had any problems with your teeth lately (long-term treatment can affect your appetite - many people simply find it difficult to eat the usual food in the usual amounts);

  • Did you suffer from diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting?
  • Do you constantly feel stress and have there been any serious shocks in your life lately;
  • whether you eat as before or your appetite has decreased;
  • Do you smoke and drink alcohol?
  • Do you have any further complaints.
It is worth informing the doctor about whether you are taking any pills, dietary supplements, herbal teas and other similar remedies. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe a general blood test and other studies - this will eliminate or confirm his suspicions about the causes of weight loss.

The first thing that many begin to think about when they discover that they have lost a lot of weight is oncology. Sudden weight loss in many is associated with cancer. Doctors, however, are more optimistic and explain that losing weight is likely to not be the only sign indicating the presence of a tumor in the body, and besides weight loss there will be other signs.

In addition, sudden weight loss can be associated with other diseases, including celiac disease, depression, diabetes, metabolic disorders, lung diseases, heart or gastrointestinal problems, and tuberculosis.

Strong weight loss for no apparent reason is a serious cause for concern. Even if it seems to you that you are feeling fine, consult a doctor - the sooner the cause of the sudden weight loss is established, the faster the treatment will be prescribed and the more effective it will be.
boy running on road in evening with next track suit

So , please do exercise daily ... Do not be lazy to share this article ...

Credit : med.vesti.ru



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